Sunday, July 09, 2006

Geomancy consultant

The art of balance

Feng shui is about achieving balance.

The art of balance

Feng shui is about achieving balance.

2006 general reading

For the 2006, these are the general precaution and enhancement that one can take.

However, to be specific, there is a need to determine the environment of your home and the people (staying in the home and their luck cycle) together with the Time element in order for accurate reading.

The ancient art

I learnt my feng shui from Master Liang Sifu from Singapore (KS Geomancy). He has been practising feng shui since young and he is the 3rd generation feng shui masters.

Wind & water Feng shui

I have been practising Feng shui for several years during my leisure time. Mostly, I have been helping my friends using the knowledge of Feng shui to enhances their luck and their Qi.

Feng Shui is an ancient art and it has been largelly misunderstood by many to be superstitious.

There are many school and art of Feng shui and chinese astrology. My main areas of specialities are in the 八字論命 Ba Zi (4 pillars) analysis and Feng shui for the home using the combination of 八宅明鏡 (Eight House) and using the 玄空飛星 Xuan Kong flying stars school of Feng Shui.